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General Information

I once had an accordion file folder that I had labeled with all sorts of categories for my home, recipes, DIY projects, ideas I liked and so forth.  And then the brilliance of PINTEREST came about and decluttered my closet forever.  Digital storage of ideas of every variety is pure genius I’d just like to […]

January 11, 2018

A Plan for the New Year and Taxes

Comfort, Comms, Cooking, Finance, First-Aid, Food, General Information, Light, Lists, Planning, Power, Sanitation, Shelter, Warmth, Water

With a new year upon us it’s a great time to start all those plans you’ve thought about a couple dozen times of starting your food storage and emergency preparedness planning.  Though I love the holidays, I have to say, I love a good New Years celebration.  It’s the feeling of newness that is contagious. […]

January 1, 2018

Tents…So Many Options!

General Information, Shelter

Though I will always opt for my own home, should the need arise and I need to leave it behind I’d like to be prepared.  If it’s more serious then allowing for the option to stay at family or friends, I’m going to need a tent.  The thought may scare you, but listen…you can use […]

December 12, 2017

Expiration Decoded

Did You Know, General Information

Though I’m not one of those people who only shop in the organic isle or specialty stores, I do try to maintain a certain level of health awareness.  Not just in what I am eating…but in what I am eating.  Confused?  Here’s the explanation. I’m not a fan of food poisoning.  Call me crazy, but […]

December 5, 2017

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe…

General Information, Lists

Once you have your list and you know where you want to go, where do you begin?  So much pressure!  So many options!  For me, it’s better for my motivation to feel little successes.  If I have a few of those it keeps me feeling like what I’m doing is achievable.  For instance, if my […]

November 30, 2017

Taking Inventory

Downloads, General Information, Lists

First things first, start with what you’ve got.  Print out or open the workable spreadsheet I’ve given you.  Or make your own.  Any way you do it so that it works for you.  It’s easiest to make a list of what you have.  If you were like me several years ago this process is really […]

November 29, 2017

Breaking it down…Categories of Emergency Preparedness

Comfort, Comms, Cooking, Downloads, Finance, First-Aid, General Information, Light, Planning, Power, Sanitation, Shelter, Warmth, Water

Specifics are always a good thing.  As we define each of the 13 areas of preparedness we can better create the list of items we need to achieve total preparedness.  It at least provides a good road map through our journey to get fully prepared.  For today the definitions stand as given below, but I […]

November 28, 2017


Comfort, Comms, Cooking, Downloads, Finance, First-Aid, Food, General Information, Light, Planning, Power, Sanitation, Shelter, Warmth, Water

Several weeks ago I received my copy of the seasonal magazine from Emergency Preparedness.  I opened it up and skimmed it’s pages.  Among the usual product features, something even better caught my attention.  It was a 2 page spread that they called the “12 Areas of Preparedness“.   Listed, they are: 1. Water 2. Warmth 3. […]

November 12, 2017

The Project

General Information

I can turn on the news at any given moment and see a world in chaos.  I can see calamity and tragedy in any variety in as much volume as I could stand.  If I let it, it would make me feel overwhelmed, sad, unprepared and give me a healthy dose of fear.  What has […]

November 1, 2017