About Me

I am a great many things in life, but for this site, I am a woman attempting to document my way through a project, to be ready…or not.  Though not sophisticated in my approach (yet), I hope to gain experience as I progress down the road to preparedness.  As I journey on, I hope you find information that will help you in your own project to be ready…or not.

“I don’t believe in aliens, Armageddon or that the world is ending.  What I do believe in is optimism.  I believe in living life to the fullest and finding moments of goodness.  That as you go about your life, a little here and a little there you can be ready…or not.  It’s your choice.  Mine is to be ready.”

…a little more:

“My business career began in the front yard of our Southern California home as I established the title of “Top Sales Consultant” for my parents annual garage sales.”

I am a wife, a mother, a business owner and aspiring entrepreneur.  I have lots of goals in my life.  Among the most important is to raise happy, healthy, productive, good kids.  They are after all going to be administering my health care when I’m too old to understand what is going on.  My business career began in the front yard of our Southern California home as I established the title of “Top Sales Consultant” for my parents annual garage sales.  I achieved this ranking before my age hit double digits.  Impressive, or at least my parents thought so. Thankfully, after working for others for many years, I started my own business out of my home that allowed me to be “mom” first and career woman second.  A few years ago I began to have the desire to ready my family and prepare in a way that didn’t make me Chicken Little running around screaming “the sky is falling”.  A simple, balanced approach to preparedness was my goal.  For the most part I have succeeded, though no where near where I need to be, I have found some success in stockpiling.  A conversation was had with my engineer father about a dilemma I was having in the area of water preparedness, he found a solution and thus began a new business journey.  In the progress of that business, I recognized the need to think bigger and broader in all areas of emergency preparedness…and maybe that broader thinking could help someone more than myself.  Enter the “Project Ready or Not” website.  This site is the beginning of a bigger, broader vision I have to continue to help other people help themselves, should an event or emergency arise.

My motto in life is “work hard and be kind” and I plan to do both as best I can for as long as I can.

And that’s me…or as much as I’m going to reveal on the world wide web.  I hope you gain something here and I’d love to hear from you in return.  About your journey, your success…maybe I can feature your projects here too.  I think we all learn best when we have a group of brains all working towards a common goal.

Be awesome,
