Product Feature: Bunk Bed Cots

Comfort, Product / Friday, December 15th, 2017

My sister and her family took a road trip to the Oregon coast last summer.  On their way home, they decided to drive the scenic route into northern California and spend a few nights camping among the majestic redwoods.  Though the woman can camp with the best of them, I am positive, like me, she’d much prefer the comfort of a clean hotel room with decent accommodations.  None the less, she’s a preparer.  She can prepare for a trip like I’ve never seen anyone have the ability to do.  It’s impressive, she should really share her tricks for traveling with small children.  Regardless, in preparation for this camp out, she decided to pick up a few accessories so that everyone could enjoy their nights sleep under the stars.

(photo link: Diso-O-Bed, Kid-O-Bunk Youth Cot in lime green)

There are cots and then there are cots!  These bunk bed cots from Disc-O-Bed are easily some of the coolest things I have ever seen come from the world of cots.  Naturally I thought about how nice these bunk beds would be to add to my list of supplies should an extended camping trip caused by emergency would be.  In the real world they were amazing for getting my sister’s entire family of 6 into a regular sized tent as a space saving option.  Long term I could see this being a Grandparents slumber party strategy for packing all the grandkids into a family room for an overnighter.  My sister and her kids loved these, they worked great, packed easily (even though I think all cots are a bit bulky) and it was a great solution for stackable sleeping arrangements in tight quarters.

This is NOT a sponsored post, just a post about a great product that solves a problem.